Sweet Potato Protein Snack Bars
First let me start by saying when I was younger the only time I liked sweet potatoes was in my mother’s sweet potato pie and that’s because my mother would blend the sweet potatoes so smooth where there would be no “strings” in the mixture. Other than my mom’s pie I never wanted sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes always seemed to be stringy when I was younger. However now that I’m grown I just can’t get enough of them. I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting organic sweet potatoes are what but I hardly ever have any problems with stringy sweet potatoes and I probably eat sweet potatoes five times out of the week.
I’ve been wanting to create some type of snack bar for a while now and because I always have sweet potatoes on hand I decided to do a sweet potato snack bar and use chickpea flour to make it protein rich. This bar has the same flavor of sweet potato pie but in a snack bar. There’s only 4 ingredients, spices not included and it’s very quick to make, just throw everything in a food processor!😊
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Take a 7 x 10 inch baking pan and lightly grease the pan, I also lined the pan with parchment paper which is optional.
Take 5 dates (6, if you want it a little sweeter), place in bowl and pour boiling hot water on them to soak for about 15 minutes to make them soft.
- Take out a food processor and place the soaked dates (saving the date liquid) in the processor.
Add the chickpea flour, mashed sweet potatoes, oil, vanilla, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and sea salt.
Pulse a few times to get it started and then blend everything together.
The mixture should be spreadable like a thick brownie batter. If too thick you can take a little bit of the date water to make the batter thinner. (I added a tablespoon of date water)
Spread mixture into your prepared pan and bake for 15-20 minutes. Every oven is different, I used my toaster oven.
When done the bars should be a light golden brown (overbaking will cause the bars to be dry).
Let cool and cut into bars.