Triple H Peach Smoothie

The Peach
Peaches are native to China and was a fruit favorited by the emperors. The fruit gradually made its way first to South America, England then France. It’s been documented that in early 17th century a horticulturist by the name of George Minifie brought peaches to the New World and planted them at his home in Virginia. And it was the early Native Americans who spread peach trees across the country by planting peach seeds during their travels.
Peaches are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which helps to slow down the aging process. They are also rich in iron and vitamin K, both keeps you heart health. Also peaches are a GREAT detoxifier. The high potassium and fiber in peaches help with stomach ulcers, kidney diseases and inflammation.
Hemp Protein
Hemp Protein is one of the best plant proteins you can get and for most people much easier to digest than soy protein. This protein contains all 8 amino acids which makes it a complete protein. It’s also low in saturated fats.
Also know as Cannabidiol is a substance from the hemp plant which aids in doing miraculous things for the body. For more in depth information I wrote an article about it here. CBD helps in keeping the body in balance. It’s the perfect adaptogen. If you don’t have CBD for this smoothie. You can leave it out or substitute coconut oil. But if you want to include it, don’t worry, I got you. With my discount code you can get my favorite brand of CBD oil right here by using 10offnativebatch.
The Smoothie
I named the smoothie “Triple H’ because of the three hemp related products in it but in all honesty the peaches are the queens of the show. This smoothie will fill you up, give you energy and is perfect after a workout. So let’s get to it!
There’s nothing like making smoothies with fresh summer fruit. Peaches are summer fruit that takes me back to when I was a child growing up near farms. I always knew I was deep in the summer months when I saw peaches appearing in the markets and on farm stands. My memory of summer peaches is the inspiration for this delicious, nutritious, filling smoothie recipe.

First you want to put the softest items in the bottom of the blender. For example I store my bananas in the freezer for my smoothies, my peaches were fresh peaches so I put the slices of peaches on the bottom of my blender and put the frozen banana on top.
Then add the hemp milk till it’s close to being even to the fruit. If you feel you need more liquid then add filtered or spring water. Blend.
After it’s a smooth consistency pour into your glass. Take a half dropper full of cbd which equals about 15 drops and drop your oil on top of your smoothie. Garnish with slice peaches.
First you want to put the softest items in the bottom of the blender. For example I store my bananas in the freezer for my smoothies, my peaches were fresh peaches so I put the slices of peaches on the bottom of my blender and put the frozen banana on top.
Then add the hemp milk till it’s close to being even to the fruit. If you feel you need more liquid then add filtered or spring water. Blend.
After it’s a smooth consistency pour into your glass. Take a half dropper full of cbd which equals about 15 drops and drop your oil on top of your smoothie. Garnish with slice peaches.

One Comment
Ava Adames
I just brought peaches home. I may give this a try.