The Absolute Best Spaghetti Squash Recipe!
Spaghetti squash is a god send from mother nature especially if you have to stay away from a lot of grains like me. This squash has very little carbs and has nutrients such as complex B vitamins, calcium, copper and fiber, to find out more about the nutritional values click here. How to prep your spaghetti squash I started eating spaghetti squash a couple of years ago and use to first cut the squash in half, scoop the seeds out…
Sweet Potato Protein Snack Bars
First let me start by saying when I was younger the only time I liked sweet potatoes was in my mother’s sweet potato pie and that’s because my mother would blend the sweet potatoes so smooth where there would be no “strings” in the mixture. Other than my mom’s pie I never wanted sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes always seemed to be stringy when I was younger. However now that I’m grown I just can’t get enough of them. I…
Angelica: The #1 Herb That Get’s You Moving!
There are some herbs when tried for the first time gets an immediate positive response from me. And it’s a great revelation, of “Where has this herb been all my life?!” Then there are some herbs like angelica where I try it for the first time and it has to grow on me. Angelica otherwise known as Angelica Archangelia and known as Angelica Officinalis, is an herb where it took me a couple of times of trying for me to…
St. John’s Wort a Saint of an Herb.
With St. Patty’s day right around the corner it reminded me of another saint, this one being an herb, St. John’s Wort. St. John’s Wort has always been an herb I’ve heard of but was always turned off by the name. I mean who wants to try an herb with the name wort attached to it. But with my recent herbal studies and learning about what this herb is and the benefits of it, I became very excited to try…
Orange Poppy Seed Waffles
How often do you see oranges cooked or baked in recipes? Or better yet in waffle recipes? Well my dear friends here’s a waffle recipe using chunks of oranges cooked in the waffle. This waffle has a lot going on it’s bright, citrusy, sweet, slightly crunchy due to the poppy seeds and sooo good! With the orange season (December to April) almost over, oranges are in the food markets right now, sweet, juicy and just waiting to be eaten and…
Carob Pot de Creme with Pears and Rose Petals
Carob is my saving grace since finding out cacao and my body don’t get along any more. You see cacao is too much of a stimulant for me. The caffeine does havoc on my body. So due to health reasons I stopped eating chocolate. It hasn’t been easy, especially being a former chocoholic. However carob helps me with my transition from not eating chocolate and it’s been very helpful. What is Carob? Carob has a slight flavor of chocolate. It…
Fig “Newton” Muffscones (muffins/scones)-Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Refined Sugar Free!
As a child one of my favorite things to eat were fig newtons. There was just something about the gooey center with the slightly crunchy fig seeds and the soft outside cookie that would make me so happy seeing them in my lunch box. For me when it came to cookies, fig newtons were right up there with oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip. Always looking to recreate that fig newton taste, I did just that years ago when I had…
The Licorice Tasting but Not Licorice Herb Fennel
Fennel, fennel how do I love thee, let me count the ways. Besides the number one reason it reminds me of one of my favorite herbs licorice, fennel in its own right has amazing benefits and can be used in so many ways. Native to the Mediterranean region, fennel is a flowering perennial herb with yellow flowers, hollow stems and fine, wispy leaves. Fennel the botanical name being Foeniculum Vulgare can be consumed in its totality from the leaves to…
Carob Bilberry Jam Filled Waffles-Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Oil Free and so, so Good!
This recipe is a revision of a favorite recipe of mine created in 2017 called Cacao Chia waffles. Back then I was still eating cacao, chia seeds, sugar and coconut milk. Since then I found out those items are high in arginine and should be avoided when trying to lessen shingle outbreaks. For those battling viral infections, eating foods high in arginine disrupts the viral life cycle. Foods higher in lysine or with an equal balance of lysine to arginine helps the…
The Herb Licorice and the Benefits.
It’s interesting that in life things always seem to come back full circle. When I was young I remembered not being allowed to eat much candy, only on special occasions, mainly the holidays like Halloween and Christmas. When those times came around I had my candy favorites, it was always chocolate, especially if combined with peanuts and caramel, and then there were peanut butter cups and chocolate candy coated peanuts, notice a theme here? Ha ha. Well looking back on…