Quinoa Calendula Currant Cookies
These cookies are a take off of oatmeal raisin cookies using toasted quinoa flakes and currants. Added to the cookie is the addition of calendula, my herb obsession at the moment (you can read all about this beautiful herb and the benefits here). These cookies are soft, protein & energy rich without any refined sugar, wheat, nuts and dairy. You will not feel guilty about eating these anytime of the day! Quinoa flakes in my opinion are a great substitute to oatmeal,…
The Most Perfect Delicious Bean Soup
There’s nothing like a good bean soup. It’s hearty, warm, filling and perfect to eat on a cold day. It’s also one of the easiest soups to make. It’s a type of soup I used to make quite a bit especially when my children were younger but over time some how stopped making. I don’t know why I stopped, because bean soup is cheap to make when you’re on a budget and it’s the perfect one pot meal, all you…
CBD…What is it good for?
I’m a big music head. Whenever I think of things, people and situations there’s normally a music soundtrack that goes along with it. When it comes to CBD…the song WAR comes to mind by Edwin Starr but sung in a different way. CBD, uh good God ya’ll…What is it good for? Absolutely everything, say it again. Lol…Well maybe it’s not good for everything but it is very beneficial and definitely good for a lot of things. There been such an…
Apricot Pudding Pies Sprinkled with Calendula 😊
You know how when you’re on a roll, you just have to go with it? Well I’m on one of those rolls, a pie/tart making roll. The creation of this pie took a couple of days of trial and error. In the end this recipe came out so well!  In this recipe there is no additional sugar besides what’s in the dried apricots. This recipe is plant based, gluten free, nut free and refined sugar free. This dessert is…
Carob Banana Tarts
This is the first recipe of the new year and I wanted to start the new year off with a carob dessert since I ended the year 2018 with a carob dessert, these cookies . Arginine and Shingles This year more than ever I’m all about preventing shingle flare ups. In order to do that I know I need to drastically cut down on my grain and nut/seed consumption. The reason is because of the high levels of arginine found in…
I did a post on Instagram the other day and in the post I wrote (while drinking a blend of Calendula and Peppermint tea 😊) about visualizing and working on goals. As mentioned on that post one of my many goals is to be a knowledgeable herbalist. This site is going to be a platform for some of my herbal experiences and findings. Since starting my studies, I’m finding herbs that are new to me and it’s exciting! Calendula is…
Carob Almond Butter Cookies
I love to bake but since dealing with autoimmune issues due to having had shingles four years ago, I felt like I had to give up baking because of my food limitations. Years past especially during the holidays I would have been knee deep in flour and sugar baking to my hearts content; loving every minute of it. Baking was relaxation and a stress reliever for me. It’s been very challenging to say the least not to be able to…
Lavender Matcha Latte
Recently while on a much needed vacation I was able to eat some amazing food and drink some fabulous beverages. One of the beverages in particular has opened the creative flood gates to what I can recreate myself at home, using my favorite….matcha! I normally drink a matcha latte every morning, it’s easy on my tummy, gives me a nice slow energy boost and best of all it’s delicious! Like posted many blog posts ago there’s a certain way on…
Cilantro…Love it or Hate it.
Cilantro is one of those herbs people either love or hate, there’s no in between. Before a few years ago my relationship with cilantro was definitely leaning more towards hate. My first vivid experience with cilantro was in my late thirties (yes, I’m a culinary late bloomer 😊). I remember going to this particular Mexican restaurant known for their burritos. Being one who likes to research EVERYTHING, I had picked up the restaurant’s paper menu days prior to study carefully…
The Best EVER Apple Waffles for One Recipe!
The old saying, “An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away” is not just an old wives tale. There really is some truth behind it. According to a great health centered website healthline, eating an apple a day, skin and all is known for lowering cholesterol. Also apples contain pectin a fiber that acts like a prebiotic that feeds good bacteria to the gut. And there’s much more! Apples can actually aid in weight loss due to their fiber and water…